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Year of the Fox by VegaFina

All fans began the Chinese New Year 2021 with the expected special edition of VegaFina celebrating the onset of this year’s Chinese zodiacal period, the Year of the Ox.

An ox is a hardworking and tenacious animal which is able to carry on its back great responsibilities and symbolizes the success which can be obtained through hard work. As a result of his intelligence, strength, and commitment, he is a born leader who is also respected for his honesty and unselfishness.

A special edition of the VegaFina Year of the Ox is launched in an exclusive case inspired by oriental aesthetics that features a Chinese chest shape, subtle wood and red tones, gold hardware, and delicate finishes tailored to this case. A case contains 16 cigars in two litters of 8 (the lucky number in China), each with the brand’s standard ring and an additional one to match the case.






October 4, 2021


Cigar Box